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Facebook - Save Post for Later

By Nitin Adlakha On August 11, 2019
Hey friends,
Been long I have not posted anything. 

Today I am going to share another facebook tip. Most of you might already be aware of it. 

You watched a very intriguing video and now you cannot remember it. That happens.

Facebook does not provide us the option to download it for later, though it provides us an option to save it for later.

You can create an album for your saved videos/articles or you can save it in default folder of "For Later".

Please note this was done on facebook app. Nevertheless, you can still perform the same actions on webpage.

1. Check for the 3 dots with the post. Click on that.

2. It will open a menu. Click on Save video.

3. Create your new Collection or choose the default one.

4. You can find the saved articles when you click the 3 horizontal lines on your right hand (next to notification). It can differ on handset basis. On webpage, you will see an option "Saved" on your left hand navigation.

5. Once you go to your saved articles, you will see the articles you have saved for later and watch them at your leisure.

6. If you want to remove any post from your collections, you can click the 3 dots next to them and a menu will pop-up. Just click "Unsave" and it will be gone.

Hope you liked this tip. Stay tuned for more.

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